My blog was starting to go into its final death spiral around the time I did this comic, so even less people than usual saw it. And that’s saying something.
This might be the longest comic I ever did. I simply refused to break it up.
Back when this came out I think I had to upload it separately from WordPress and then link to it, because WordPress wouldn’t allow such a long image.
The interesting thing when I look at this comic is that I love the Superman mythos so much, but I’m consistently disappointed by the products, be they comics, movies or tv shows.
It’s too bad, because there’s such a rich history there.
Anyway, at the end of this, the Stupid Clowns reappear. I was so burned out after all that drawing I had to repeat the same panel 3 times just to get through it. I could not draw two more darn panels.
Story of my life…